Web Design Training by Experts


Our Training Process

Web Design - Syllabus, Fees & Duration


  • Web Development Introduction
  • History of HTML
  • HTML Tags and Attributes
  • HTML Tag vs. Element

Basic Formatting Tags

  • HTML Basic Tags
  • HTML Head Tag
  • HTML Meta Tag
  • HTML Formatting Tags
  • HTML Color Coding


  • Unordered Lists
  • Ordered Lists
  • Definition list


  • Image and Image Mapping


  • URL - Uniform Resource Locator
  • URL Encoding



  • Title
  • Base
  • Link
  • Styles
  • Script
  • Meta

HTML5 forms

  • Introduction to HTML5 forms
  • Accessible forms
  • New Input types
  • New forms attributes
  • Form validation


  • Basics of HTML5 canvas
  • Immediate drawing mode: rectangles, text, images, etc.
  • Path drawing mode: lines, circles, arcs, curves, etc.
  • Colors, gradients, patterns, shadows, etc.
  • Working with SVG in HTML5

HTML5 animations

  • Basic animation techniques
  • Canvas and user interaction
  • Working with pixels
  • Understanding transforms


  • Introduction to HTML5 APIs
  • The Web Storage API
  • Form validation API
  • The File API
  • The Geolocation API

Download Syllabus - HTML 5


  • Menu bar, application bar, options bar, tools panel, panel dock on right
  • Differences on PC and Mac
  • Different ways to zoom
  • Hidden tools on toolbar


  • Why make selections?
  • Geometric selections
  • Freehand selections
  • Edge-based selections
  • Color-based selections
  • How do I choose a selection tool?


  • Making color and tonal adjustments
  • Creating an adjustment layer
  • Adjustment presets,
  • Common image corrections
  • Saving adjustments as a preset
  • Deleting adjustment layer
  • Applying adjustment layer to another layer


  • Blur tool
  • Sharpen Tool
  • Smudge Tool
  • Dodge Tool
  • Burn Tool
  • Sponge Tool


  • Image menu
  • Color mode
  • Image resolution and size
  • Straighten and crop image
  • Rotate cropped image
  • Automatic adjustments
  • Auto color—removes color cast
  • Manually adjusting color cast
  • Manually adjusting tonal range
  • Replacing color
  • Clone tool
  • Spot healing brush
  • Healing brush
  • Patch tool
  • Content-aware fill (NEW TO CS5!)


  • Background layer
  • Isolating part of image
  • Hide, view, reposition, delete, rename, merge
  • Lock layers
  • Convert background layer to regular layer
  • Convert regular layer to background layer
  • Layer styles
  • Applying layer styles to multiple layers


  • Gradient tool
  • Gradient styles
  • Editing colors
  • Saving gradients


  • How is it different than selection tools?
  • Save time-consuming selections
  • Quick mask mode
  • Using brush tool
  • Channels panel
  • Loading mask as a selection


  • Unprocessed picture data
  • Set up camera to save as camera raw
  • Nikon (.nef)
  • Canon (.crw)
  • Olympus (.orf)
  • Opening up other file formats in RAW
  • Using Bridge vs. Photoshop
  • White balance
  • Adjust for different lighting settings
  • Save as DNG file, open source file
  • Exposure
  • Fill light
  • Sharpening an image
  • Detail panel
  • Synchronize across images


  • Shadows and highlights adjustment
  • Correcting Red Eye
  • Sharpening Edges
  • Correct Image Distortion
  • Adding Depth of Field


  • Point v Paragraph Type
  • character panel
  • paragraph panel
  • Type on a Path
  • Warping Type
  • Creating work path from type
  • Convert type to shapes
  • Horizontal/Vertical Type Mask Tool
  • Create a selection in the shape of type
  • Clipping Mask Type
  • Open Type


  • Bitmap v. Vector?
  • Pen Tool
  • Magnetic and freeform pen tool
  • Using pen tool as selection tool
  • Converting selections to paths
  • Converting selection to layer
  • Shape layers
  • Smart Objects


  • Recording actions
  • Actions panel
  • Record, play, edit, delete individual actions

Download Syllabus - Adobe Photoshop


  • HTML structure and content
  • Advantages of CSS
  • Creating and using style sheets
  • CSS Rules: The Basic Syntax

CSS Boxes and CSS Selectors

  • The CSS box model
  • CSS and logical HTML structure
  • Styling boxes, borders, margins, and padding
  • Using IE6 standards mode
  • Sh4ecifying CSS distances
  • and many other CSS techniques

Fonts and Text

  • Using custom fonts
  • Font properties
  • Web font formats
  • Type Kit, font squirrel

Text Formatting in CSS

  • Fundamentals of text formatting
  • Typefaces, alternatives, and defaults
  • Font characteristics
  • Formatting blocks of text
  • Using arbitrary inline tags

CSS Selectors and Selections

  • Using HTML element IDs in CSS
  • Using CSS descendant selectors
  • Descendant selector examples
  • Child, sibling, and pseudo-class selectors
  • And many other CSS techniques.

CSS positioning

  • Choosing the right CSS
  • Technique for positioning blocks
  • The position property, floats, and margins
  • Static positioning and normal flow
  • Absolute positioning outside normal flow
  • Fixed positioning outside normal flow

CSS page Layout

  • Alternative methods of CSS positioning
  • Styling lists
  • Redefining the behaviour of inline and block elements
  • Table formatting in CSS
  • Styling table cell borders
  • page layout with table dish4lay properties

Cascade, precedence, Specificity, and Inheritance in CSS

  • Cascading and cascade order
  • Resolving style conflicts by Origin & Importance
  • Resolving style conflicts by Specificity & Order

CSS Layers and Translucency

  • Different forms of layered presentations in CSS
  • Layering with the z-index property
  • Different methods for creating translucency effects
  • The CSS3 opacity property

Using CSS in the Real World

  • Deploying CSS
  • CSS formatting vs. HTML formatting
  • Standard tags and semantic markup
  • Screen size and fluid design
  • Table layout and CSS positioning
  • Cross-platform testing

Useful CSS Tips

  • Usage of CSS Sprites
  • Pseudo Selectors
  • CSS Minify
  • Cheat Sheet for CSS3

Download Syllabus - CSS

  • Wordpress Installation
  • Domain Name Registration & Web Hosting
  • Understanding FTP
  • Wordpress Admin/Settings/Dashboard
  • Wordpress Toolbar
  • Why CMS (Content Management System)
  • Managing Posts, Pages and Blogs
  • Using Page Templates
  • Visual Editor, Formatting, Hyperlinks etc.
  • Using Wordpress for Website Development
  • Manage Users (Adding & Managing)
  • Installation Social Media Plugins
  • Installation Form Plugins
  • Installation Woocommerce / E-commerce Plugin
  • Managing Media: Image Gallery, Video & Multimedia
  • Manage Categories, Tags and Menu Links
  • Discussion Settings
  • Themes & Widgets (Installing, Appearance and Activating)
  • Customize Logo, Title, & Tagline
  • Customize Header, Colors, Layout
  • Customize Wordpress for Mobile (Responsive)
  • Adding a Site Icon (Favicon)
  • Installing & Manage Wordpress Plugins
  • Wordpress Database (DBManager)
  • Yoast SEO (Wordpress SEO)
  • Upgrading / Updating Wordpress
  • Security Plugins
  • Automated Backups

Download Syllabus - Wordpress

Section 1: Introduction to Canva

  • Welcome to Canva!
  • Logging / Setup Canva Account
  • Layouts & Templates
  • Get you setup with your Canva & account
  • Tour of your dashboard
  • Learn about the different types of templates Canva has
  • Learn how to use the pre-designed layouts
  • Downloading your work
  • Working with text
  • Photo backgrounds & Shapes
  • Illustrations, icons and lines
  • Adding pages to a design
  • Image
  • Text features and Charts
  • Album cover
  • Youtube thumbnail
  • Twitter header
  • Facebook post
  • Ebook cover
  • Documents
  • Data and charts
  • Presentation slides

Section 2: Fonts, Colors, and Images

  • Typography and font pairing
  • Using icons effectively
  • Organising the dashboard
  • Sharing designs
  • Adding links
  • Upgrading to Canva for Work
  • Brand colors
  • Custom filter codes
  • Color codes
  • Color scheme
  • Introduction to the color wheel; creating a color palette
  • How to use grids; transparency; photo filters

Section 4: Advanced Topics

  • Brand Kit
  • Magic Resize
  • Paid Elements
  • Folders for Elements
  • Background Remover
  • Teams, Exporting and Scheduling
  • Learn more advanced techniques
  • Learn how to create a logo from scratch
  • Learn how upload your own graphics, logos, images
  • Learn how to organize your designs
  • See where I go to purchase stock photography
  • Videos Overview / Editing
  • Video Tools
  • Animations
  • Animated Presentations
  • Adding Music

Download Syllabus - Canva


  • Bootstrap
  • Get Started
  • What is Bootstrap?
  • Bootstrap History
  • Why Use Bootstrap?
  • Where to get Bootstrap?
  • Downloading Bootstrap
  • Bootstrap CDN


  • Create First Web Page with Bootstrap
  • Add the HTML5 Doctype
  • Bootstrap is Mobile –First
  • Containers
  • Basic Bootstrap Pages
  • Bootstrap Grids
  • Bootstrap Grid System
  • Grid Classes
  • Basic Structure of a Bootstrap Grid
  • Equal Columns
  • Unequal Columns


  • Bootstrap Text / Typography
  • Bootstrap’s Default Settings
  • Bootstrap vs. Browser Defaults
  • Bootstrap Tag Elements
  • Contextual Colors and
  • Background
  • Typography Classes


  • Bootstrap Table
  • Rounded Corners
  • Circle
  • Thumbnail
  • Responsive Images
  • Image Gallery
  • Responsive Embeds


  • Bootstrap Jumbotron and Page Header
  • Creating a Jumbotron
  • Jumbotron inside Container
  • Jumbotron outside Container
  • Creating a Page Header


  • Bootstrap Wells
  • Wells
  • Well Size


  • Bootstrap Alerts
  • Alerts
  • Closing Alerts
  • Animated Alerts


  • Bootstrap Buttons
  • Button Style
  • Button Sizes
  • Block Level Buttons
  • Active /Disable Buttons


  • Bootstrap Button Groups
  • Button Groups
  • Vertical Button Groups
  • Justified Button Group
  • Nesting Button Groups
  • Dropdown Menus
  • Split Button Dropdowns
  • MODULE 10

    • Bootstrap Glyphicons
    • Glyphicons
    • Glyphicons Syntax
    • Glyphicon Example

    MODULE 11

    • Bootstrap Badges and Labels
    • Badges
    • Labels

    MODULE 12

    • Bootstraps Progress Bars
    • Basic Progress Bar
    • Progress Bar with Label
    • Colored Progress Bars
    • Striped Progress Bars

    MODULE 13

    • Bootstrap Pagination
    • Basic Pagination
    • Active State
    • Disabled State
    • Pagination Sizing

    MODULE 14

    • Bootstrap Pager
    • What is Pager?
    • Align Buttons

    MODULE 15

    • Bootstrap List Groups
    • Basic list Groups
    • List Group with Badges
    • List Group with Linked Items
    • Contextual Classes
    • Custom Content

    MODULE 16

    • Bootstrap Panels
    • Panels
    • Panel Heading
    • Panel Footer
    • Panel Group
    • Panel with Contextual Classes

    MODULE 17

    • Bootstrap Dropdowns
    • Basic Dropdown
    • Dropdown Driver
    • Dropdown Header
    • Disable an Item
    • Dropdown Accessibility
    • Bootstrap Collapse

    MODULE 18

    • Basic Collapsible
    • Example Explained
    • Collapsible Panel
    • Collapsible List Group
    • Accordion

    MODULE 19

    • Bootstrap Tabs and Pills Menus
    • Tabs
    • Tabs with Dropdown Menu
    • Pills
    • Vertical Pills
    • Vertical Pills in Row
    • Pills with Dropdown Menu
    • Centered Tabs and Pills
    • Toggle/Dynamic Tabs
    • Toggle/Dynamic Pills

    MODULE 20

    • Bootstrap Navigation Bar
    • Navigation Bars
    • Inverted Navigation Bar
    • Fixed Navigation Bar
    • Navigation Bars with Dropdown
    • Right Aligned Navigation Bar
    • Collapsing the Navigation Bar

    MODULE 21

    • Bootstrap Forms
    • Bootstrap’s Default Settings
    • Bootstrap Form Layouts
    • Bootstrap Vertical Form
    • Bootstrap Inline Form
    • Bootstrap Horizontal Form
    • Bootstrap Form Inputs
    • Supported Form Controls

    MODULE 22

    • Bootstrap Input
    • Bootstrap Text area
    • Bootstrap Checkboxes
    • Bootstrap Radio Buttons
    • Bootstrap Select List

    MODULE 23

    • Bootstrap Form Inputs (More)
    • Static Control
    • Bootstrap Form Control States

    MODULE 24

    • Bootstrap Input Sizing
    • Input Sizing in Forms
    • Height Sizing
    • Column Sizing
    • Help Text

    MODULE 25

    • Bootstrap Carousel Plugin
    • The Carousel Plugin
    • How to Create a Carousel
    • Add Captions to Slides

    MODULE 26

    • Bootstrap Model Plugin
    • The Model Plugin
    • Hoe to Create a Model
    • Model Size

    MODULE 27

    • Bootstrap Tooltip Plugin
    • The Tooltip Plugin
    • How to Create Tooltip
    • Positioning Tooltips

    MODULE 28

    • Bootstrap Popover Plugin
    • The Popover Plugin
    • How to Create a Popover
    • Positioning Popovers
    • Closing Popovers

    MODULE 29

    • Bootstrap Scrollspy Plugin (Advanced)
    • The Scrollspy Plugin
    • How to Create a Scrollspy
    • Scrollspy Vertical Menu

    MODULE 30

    • Bootstrap Case
    • Build a Bootstrap Web Page
    • From Scratch
    • Add Bootstrap CDN and Put
    • Elements in Containers
    • Add Jumbotron
    • Adding button and icons
    • Multicolumn Layout
    • Adding Menus Tabs
    • Adding Navigation bars
    • Download Syllabus - Bootstrap

    Module 1: Introducing Dreamweaver

    • Understanding the course
    • Reviewing the course objectives and prerequisites
    • Reviewing the course format
    • Outlining the course content
    • Understanding static page architecture

    Module 2: Getting Started

    • Introducing Dreamweaver
    • Learning the interface
    • Defining a local site
    • Creating a website

    Module 3: Adding Content to a Site

    • Adding content
    • Controlling document structure
    • Making lists
    • Adding horizontal rules
    • Adding special characters

    Module 4: Formatting with CSS

    • Formatting text
    • Introducing CSS
    • Creating styles
    • Exporting CSS rule definitions
    • Creating class styles
    • Attaching external style sheets
    • Creating advanced styles
    • Creating a new external style sheet
    • Displaying styles
    • Understanding cascading order and inheritance of styles
    • Creating internal styles with the Property inspector

    Module 5: Working with Graphics

    • Using graphics on web pages
    • Placing graphics on the page
    • Modifying image properties
    • Editing images
    • Doing roundtrip editing with Fireworks
    • Customizing the Insert bar
    • Adding Flash content
    • Adding Flash Video

    Module 6: Navigating Your Site

    • Understanding site navigation
    • Linking to files in your site
    • Linking to sites
    • Linking to named anchors
    • Adding e-mail links
    • Linking from images
    • Creating a jump menu

    Module 7: Designing Page Layouts with CSS

    • Understanding page layout
    • Using layers for layout
    • Adding CSS to layers
    • Using absolute and relative positioning
    • Designing with DIV's
    • Designing navigation links with CSS
    • Importing tabular data
    • Using table layout view

    Module 8: Using Libraries and Templates

    • Using site library items
    • Creating site templates
    • Defining editable regions
    • Using templates
    • Applying a template to an existing page
    • Modifying templates

    Module 9: Creating Forms

    • Understanding forms
    • Processing a form
    • Setting focus in a form
    • Validating a form

    Module 10: Testing, Maintenance, and Uploading

    • Testing your site
    • Maintaining your files and folders
    • Connecting to a remote site
    • Synchronizing files

    Download Syllabus - Adobe Dreamweaver

    Domain Name Registration

    • Search Domains
    • Top Level Domains (TLD)
    • Country wise domains
    • Domain name registrations
    • Sub Domains

    Web Server Settings

    • How to Choose Web server?
    • Dedicated Server, Shared Server, VPS Hosting & Cloud Hosting
    • Basics of Web Server Control Panel
    • DNS Settings
    • Web Server Performance
    • Add on Primary Domains
    • Create sub domains

    FTP Software Installations

    • FTP Software
    • FTP Software Installation
    • FTP Configuration
    • How to use FTP Software
    • Upload / Download files using FTP Software

    Download Syllabus - Web Hosting (FTP)
    Course Fees

    Web Design Jobs in Dubai

    Enjoy the demand

    Find jobs related to Web Design in search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo) and recruitment websites (monsterindia, placementindia, naukri, jobsNEAR.in, indeed.co.in, shine.com etc.) based in Dubai, chennai and europe countries. You can find many jobs for freshers related to the job positions in Dubai.

    • Web Designer
    • Web Design
    • Website Designing
    • Web Developer
    • Web Master
    • CSS Editor
    • HTML Editor
    • Dreamweaver
    • Web Designing
    • Website Developer

    Web Design Internship/Course Details

    Web Design internship jobs in Dubai
    Web Design HTML5 has risen to the status of a core markup language in the world wide web due to a number of new attributes and elements that are apt for use in modern websites. Image editors and website creators widely use it. Canva could be a nice design tool for public relations professionals. Photoshop creates an artist's virtual studio/darkroom. WordPress could be a content management system that powers many of the most common sites on the web. This software has not only for beginners but has also been designed with advanced level users in mind. As you type a HTML tag it will list all the accessible tags permitting you to key within the first letter of a tag then choose the required tag from the list. Also it's a famous open source platform and it is growing day by day. the design solution provides a excess of strong functionalities. In this course you will learn too use the Bootstrap 3 CSS framework to build websites with fluid and adaptive grid layouts.

    List of All Courses & Internship by TechnoMaster

    Success Stories

    The enviable salary packages and track record of our previous students are the proof of our excellence. Please go through our students' reviews about our training methods and faculty and compare it to the recorded video classes that most of the other institutes offer. See for yourself how TechnoMaster is truly unique.

    List of Training Institutes / Companies in Dubai

    • CADGulfLLC | Location details: City Tower 2 - 48 Sheikh Zayed Road 1401, 14/F - Dubai - United Arab Emirates | Classification: Computer support and services, Computer support and services | Visit Online: cadgulf.com | Contact Number (Helpline): +971 4 331 4445
    • AntalInternationalFZLLC | Location details: F 04 Block, 2B, Dubai - Dubai - United Arab Emirates | Classification: Consultant, Consultant | Visit Online: antal.com | Contact Number (Helpline): +971 4 361 4601
    • WebDesignDubai|WebsiteDevelopmentCompanyInUAE|EcommerceWebsiteDevelopment|Design|MobileAppDevelopment|SEO|SMO|Magento|ERP|CRM|Soft | Location details: China Mall - Sheikh Ammar Bin Humaid St - Al Jerf Industrial 1 - Ajman - United Arab Emirates | Classification: Website designer, Website designer | Visit Online: business.site | Contact Number (Helpline): +971 55 537 8122
    • PromptTechSolutions | Location details: 43 Street 2 - Dubai sarah Building 43 Street 2 - Dubai - United Arab Emirates | Classification: Software company, Software company | Visit Online: prompttechsolutions.com | Contact Number (Helpline): +971 52 959 2599
    • ITEAMSYSTEMS | Location details: Dubai Silicon Oasis Dubai Digital Park Building A5 - Office 1010 - Dubai - United Arab Emirates | Classification: Computer security service, Computer security service | Visit Online: iteam-systems.com | Contact Number (Helpline):
    • AMADEUSGULF(L.L.C)DUBAIBR | Location details: Hawai Tower - Trade Centre - Trade Centre 1 - Dubai - United Arab Emirates | Classification: Computer software store, Computer software store | Visit Online: | Contact Number (Helpline): +971 4 393 5566
    • JETSTREAMAviationTrainingAndServicesSABranchDubai | Location details: Office No. 5, Highbay Building,Dubai Silicon Oasis - Dubai - United Arab Emirates | Classification: Aviation training institute, Aviation training institute | Visit Online: jetstream.ae | Contact Number (Helpline): +971 4 392 2200
    • RollaAcademyDubai | Location details: Al Tawhidi Building - 201 - 2 Al Mankhool Rd - Dubai - United Arab Emirates | Classification: Training centre, Training centre | Visit Online: rollaacademydubai.com | Contact Number (Helpline): +971 50 780 1081
    • ShoukiElectronicsLLC(Showroom) | Location details: Shop #3 ,Dar Al Riffa building - Khalid Bin Al Waleed Rd - Dubai - United Arab Emirates | Classification: Computer networking center, Computer networking center | Visit Online: shoukinet.com | Contact Number (Helpline): +971 4 385 8801
    • RsyncNetComputersLLC-NetworkDataStructuredCablingCompanyInDubai|CCTVInstallationInDubai|OfficeTelephoneIPPBX&PABXSystemsInstallationSe | Location details: Sheikh Zayed Road, Level 33, Al Saqr Business Tower - Dubai - United Arab Emirates | Classification: Security system installer, Security system installer | Visit Online: rsyncnet.com | Contact Number (Helpline): +971 55 782 2612
    • EmiratesDrivingInstitute | Location details: Dubai - United Arab Emirates | Classification: Driving school, Driving school | Visit Online: edi-uae.com | Contact Number (Helpline): +971 4 852 3470
    • MacobITSolutionsLLC | Location details: Khalid Bin Al Waleed Rd - Al Mankhool - Dubai - United Arab Emirates | Classification: Software training institute, Software training institute | Visit Online: macobit.ae | Contact Number (Helpline): +971 4 327 4113
    • ProximaNetworksL.L.C | Location details: Office 822. Blue Bay Tower - Marasi Dr - Dubai - United Arab Emirates | Classification: Computer support and services, Computer support and services | Visit Online: proximanetworks.com | Contact Number (Helpline): +971 4 429 3690
    • BusinessExpertsGulf-MicrosoftDynamicsPartners,Office365,Hrms,Cloud,HRSolutions,Payroll,ERP&CRMSoftwareDubai,MSGold,BusinessCentralUAE,Qa | Location details: Oxford Tower, #903 - Dubai - United Arab Emirates | Classification: Business management consultant, Business management consultant | Visit Online: bemea.com | Contact Number (Helpline): +971 4 421 4909
    • FutureSoftwareTechnology | Location details: 1906 - Dubai - United Arab Emirates | Classification: Software company, Software company | Visit Online: fstuae.com | Contact Number (Helpline): +971 4 254 5516
    • PenielCommunicationNetworksLLC | Location details: Ras Al Khor Industrial Area - Ras Al Khor Industrial Area 3 - Dubai - United Arab Emirates | Classification: Security system installer, Security system installer | Visit Online: penielcommunications.com | Contact Number (Helpline): +971 55 660 2040
    • IBMA Digital Address: Office 708, Mazaya Business Avenue, Jumeriah Lake Towers - Dubai - United Arab Emirates Phone: +971 4 554 1624, Website: http://services.seo-stars.com/
    • GO Gulf - Web Design Company Website designer in Dubai, United Arab Emirates Address: Sheikh Zayed Rd - Dubai - United Arab Emirates Phone: +971 4 358 9484 , website:https://www.go-gulf.ae/
    • Hub Sol - Website Designing Company Dubai Website designer in Dubai, United Arab Emirates Address: Old Labour Building, Al Qiadah Metro Station, - Dubai - United Arab Emirates Phone: +971 55 413 3450 , website:https://www.hubsol.ae/
    • Web Design Company Dubai Website designer in Dubai, United Arab Emirates Address: Oxford Tower - Dubai - United Arab Emirates Phone: +971 55 252 0600 , website:https://www.go-gulf.ae/
    • SAP Middle East FZ LLC Address: Butterfly Building B, Al Bourooj Street ,Dubai Internet City - Dubai - United Arab Emirates Phone: +971 4 440 7222, Website: https://www.sap.com
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